Clean Energy Solutions
We work all over Brazil to service our customers.
We understand the need of every business and provide energy solutions through a customized and dedicated relationship.
We operate all over Brazil
Learn more about our three subsidiaries below:
Founded in 2010, a empresa é pioneira na captação e tratamento de biogás gerado a partir de fontes renováveis para produção de biometano. Atua de forma integrada na cadeia com parceiros nos elos de tecnologia e matéria-prima para comercializar o biocombustível, ofertando de forma integrada produto e serviço na cadeia de valor. Por meio da Ecometano, emitimos e comercializamos certificados de rastreabilidade de biometano (GAS-REC), sendo a forma mais rápida de uma indústria consumir o gás renovável.
GNR Fortaleza
Established in December, 2017, the plant captures and treats biogas produced in local landfill west of Caucaia, a region that receives most solid waste generated in Greater Fortaleza. The volume produced represents approximately 20% of Ceará state natural gas consumption.
- Capacidade instalada: 85 mil m³/dia de biometano.
- City: Caucaia, CE
- First biomethane plant with duct injection.
- Brazil´s largest biomethane production.
- Second largest installed capacity.
- First biomethane plant certified by RenovaBio.
Os créditos de carbono podem ser emitidos através do projeto 4209 do Verified Carbon Standard para atingir reduções ou remoções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas às Unidades de Carbono Verificado (VCUs) do GnR Fortaleza Valorização de Biogás LTDA.
EN: Carbon credits may be issued through Verified Carbon Standard project 4209 for the greenhouse gas emission reductions or removals associated with GnR Fortaleza Valorização de Biogás LTDA Verified Carbon Units (VCUs).
GNR Dois Arcos
Established in 2014, the unit is a pioneer in biogas catchment and treatment generated from renewable sources to produce biomethane. The gas volume produced is supplied to different stations in within the region.
- Installed capacity: 15,000 m³/day of biomethane
- City: São Pedro da Aldeia, RJ
- The unit is certified by RenovaBio.
A ERB – Energias Renováveis do Brasil é referência no mercado nacional na produção renovável de energia elétrica a partir do aproveitamento de vapor por meio de biomassa, oferecendo a seus clientes soluções customizadas e tecnologias sustentáveis. Atualmente, a Companhia conta com uma unidade na Bahia.
ERB Aratinga
ERB provides steam to Dow Química within a long term contract. ERB has invested and operates an eucalyptus-based cogeneration plant that replaces 200 mil m³ of natural gas a day, used beforehand by Dow. The action decreases the plant CO² emissions at 180 thousand tons/year.
- Installed capacity: 150 ton/h of steam - 16.8 MW of energy
- Operation start: April, 2014
Founded in 2006, the CDGN offers solutions to natural gas chain. The Company is a compressed natural gas (CNG) logistic field national leader, and it is also responsible for the product operation and marketing.
- Brazil´s largest gas supplier
- Experience at raw, treated natural gas and biomethane marketing;
- Operation in natural gas chain, focusing on gas acquisition in small and mid-size onshore producers, taking over responsibility for natural gas treatment, separation, compression and marketing, from producer to end customer.
- Several product logistic expertise, including long routes with several deliveries.
- Operation central that manages all chain online 24/7: operation safety and quality assurance.
- The internal engineering team develops customized solutions to each customer, using the best technologies available in the market.
- It gathers commercial, logistic, technical and regulatory expertises to develop production and/or consumption isolated or connected to the network.
- Installed capacity: 200,000 m³/day
- Operation: RS, SC, SP, RJ, ES, BA, PE, RN and MA.
- Activities: Gas compression, transport, delivery, operation, lease and marketing (natural gas and biomethane).
- Customers: Bahiagás, Bracell, Braskem, Comgás, ESGás and Petrobras.
Founded in 2010, a empresa é pioneira na captação e tratamento de biogás gerado a partir de fontes renováveis para produção de biometano. Atua de forma integrada na cadeia com parceiros nos elos de tecnologia e matéria-prima para comercializar o biocombustível, ofertando de forma integrada produto e serviço na cadeia de valor. Por meio da Ecometano, emitimos e comercializamos certificados de rastreabilidade de biometano (GAS-REC), sendo a forma mais rápida de uma indústria consumir o gás renovável.
GNR Fortaleza
Established in December, 2017, the plant captures and treats biogas produced in local landfill west of Caucaia, a region that receives most solid waste generated in Greater Fortaleza. The volume produced represents approximately 20% of Ceará state natural gas consumption.
- Capacidade instalada: 85 mil m³/dia de biometano.
- City: Caucaia, CE
- First biomethane plant with duct injection.
- Brazil´s largest biomethane production.
- Second largest installed capacity.
- First biomethane plant certified by RenovaBio.
Os créditos de carbono podem ser emitidos através do projeto 4209 do Verified Carbon Standard para atingir reduções ou remoções de emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas às Unidades de Carbono Verificado (VCUs) do GnR Fortaleza Valorização de Biogás LTDA.
EN: Carbon credits may be issued through Verified Carbon Standard project 4209 for the greenhouse gas emission reductions or removals associated with GnR Fortaleza Valorização de Biogás LTDA Verified Carbon Units (VCUs).
GNR Dois Arcos
Established in 2014, the unit is a pioneer in biogas catchment and treatment generated from renewable sources to produce biomethane. The gas volume produced is supplied to different stations in within the region.
- Installed capacity: 15,000 m³/day of biomethane
- City: São Pedro da Aldeia, RJ
- The unit is certified by RenovaBio.
A ERB – Energias Renováveis do Brasil é referência no mercado nacional na produção renovável de energia elétrica a partir do aproveitamento de vapor por meio de biomassa, oferecendo a seus clientes soluções customizadas e tecnologias sustentáveis. Atualmente, a Companhia conta com uma unidade na Bahia.
ERB Aratinga
ERB provides steam to Dow Química within a long term contract. ERB has invested and operates an eucalyptus-based cogeneration plant that replaces 200 mil m³ of natural gas a day, used beforehand by Dow. The action decreases the plant CO² emissions at 180 thousand tons/year.
- Installed capacity: 150 ton/h of steam - 16.8 MW of energy
- Operation start: April, 2014
Founded in 2006, the CDGN offers solutions to natural gas chain. The Company is a compressed natural gas (CNG) logistic field national leader, and it is also responsible for the product operation and marketing.
- Brazil´s largest gas supplier
- Experience at raw, treated natural gas and biomethane marketing;
- Operation in natural gas chain, focusing on gas acquisition in small and mid-size onshore producers, taking over responsibility for natural gas treatment, separation, compression and marketing, from producer to end customer.
- Several product logistic expertise, including long routes with several deliveries.
- Operation central that manages all chain online 24/7: operation safety and quality assurance.
- The internal engineering team develops customized solutions to each customer, using the best technologies available in the market.
- It gathers commercial, logistic, technical and regulatory expertises to develop production and/or consumption isolated or connected to the network.
- Installed capacity: 200,000 m³/day
- Operation: RS, SC, SP, RJ, ES, BA, PE, RN and MA.
- Activities: Gas compression, transport, delivery, operation, lease and marketing (natural gas and biomethane).
- Customers: Bahiagás, Bracell, Braskem, Comgás, ESGás and Petrobras.